Tag Archives: MSP Airport

KBG Traveling Rules of Thumb: 1

Minneapolis Airport Terminal: Click on the diagram for a better view.

KBG Travel Tip: Do not meander in the airport before knowing your exact gate location! 🙂

I love to fly!
The dynamics of both chaos & the orderly incite quite a  thrill! As individualistic as WE can be, at the airport WE are forced to interact. ‘Human’ connections occur whether in line for a  caffeinated re-fueling or bonding over flight delays, wagering the likelihood of the infamous “pilots timing out”.

At the off-chance of spending another Christmas Eve (2009) under a Christmas Tree at the USO, or any other EVEning – comfort is priority! My ‘flight’ attire consists of the following: a hoodie, comfy pants, slip-on shoes, lip balm, and an empty water bottle to refill after security. (Now, I use my Bobble.) Although my attire screams LESS IS MORE, my carry-on stash is a ‘area of jet-setting growth’. As soon as I step into the security line away goes the shoes and out come my L.L. Bean slipper socks for the remainder of my airport travels.

Beyond traveling in comfort, I maintain this particular flying truth:

“Find your gate first”
-Only deviating for the restroom!

I easily breeze by the duty-free offerings or gourmet chocolates and – only once – I was momentarily diverted by a lovely cheese and foie grois boutique served by very well-maintained Frenchmen, at Charles de Gaulle.

Of course, it was “ZoZo” a very cutesy and green store at the Minneapolis – St. Paul Intl. which nearly lead to my demise, last Thursday! After perusing ZoZo’s wares and conversing with the sweet girl behind the counter, I realized I must be on my way. I attempted an ‘in transit’ glance at a concourse wall map,  only to make a California U-Turn (accepted and encouraged-ha!).  Arriving at Gate F10, I needed to travel  to B16.  Twenty minutes later, and still one concourse away, I entered the line at Caribou Coffee in time to hear only 1 word from the overhead speaker “GLASSES”.  How is it in moments like these the person in front of you can never decide on a menu idea or insists on arguing with the barista?

A veggie sandwich in hand, I made it to  Gate B16 in time for the desk attendants’ arrival. I informed her of my misplaced glasses and bluntly asked “Can I make it to concourse F & back in time?” The attendant had no faith in the curly-haired woman  standing on the other side of the counter in a red Stanford hoodie and backpack – sans glasses – as  she attested to the 2 mile, 20 minute minimum “one way”.   Looking for a glimmer of hope, I countered with, “Really? Because I’m in fairly good shape?” The plane was scheduled to leave in less than 25 minutes.

The attendant assured me that I could catch an evening flight “just in case” and would call the store to alert them of my impending arrival.  I cinched my backpack tighter, clutched the carry-on bag underneath my arm – and raced towards Concourse F-while Gate B16 began boarding!  Re-tracing my steps: down the escalator, moving walk way, up the escalator, across 2 terminals and 2 stops on the tram; 15 minutes later I swooped into ZoZo’s.  Three retail employees waited near the entrance to flag me down, the manager handed off my glasses.  I felt as if I was about to round 2nd base and the coaching team was giving me the go ahead to 3rd!

My plane was to leave at 3:35. I jumped onto the tram heading back to B16, at exactly 3:35.  A couple stared at my feet as I tapped one L.L. Bean slipper sock-covered foot against the cold floor. I called my husband and quickly told him of my latest quagmire, before jumping off to catch my breath.   The only thought in my mind was of my 2 options: I can walk back – miss my flight and never know if I ‘could’ have made it or I can give it my all and possibly make my flight.  The tram took what seemed like minutes to come to a complete stop & finally opened at 3:38 PM.

As  I entered Concourse B the speaker announced the flight’s last boarding call. “The door will be closing in 3 minutes!”  Dodging fellow travelers I was determined to reach Gate 16, the very last gate in the airport.  Since dividers separated the gates, I contemplated yelling, “WAIT, I’m coming!” but didn’t want to waste the energy.

The desk attendant clapped in amazement  “OMG! SHE MADE IT!” – while I huffed and puffed in an attempt to catch my breath.  Apparently, a desk attendant telephoned to her “A lady in a red hoodie is running your way!” I felt more relieved than the McCallister clan in Home Alone – obviously since I had retrieved my missing item in time. My fellow passengers did not seem bothered to remain grounded an extra 5 minutes. The fella seated next to me commented how “impressive” that was “without my glasses”. I guess it helps when you are prescribed glasses only for driving at night… and on ‘no make-up’ days.

Thank you, Vivre Fitness & Wellness! – A month & 1/2 in Palo Alto and I’m already running 4 miles in less than 30 minutes through a crowded airport with 20lbs of gear I never pulled from my carry-on.  I hope this does not become part of my regular exercise or airport regime, but it is good to know it can be done even in travel socks.

PS I’ll be flying back to San Francisco on February 27th – gatos in tow.  I’m sure this will be a blog worthy adventure!